26 Jun

Migraines and Brain Injury

IMAGE: Shutterstock

A common problem for those with a brain injury 

Migraines and headaches are extremely common in people who have experienced a brain injury, with 30 – 90% of people reporting symptoms. As time goes on, most people after the initial injury report migraines less frequently – but they’re still persistent for a large number of people with a brain injury. 

Migraines are moderate to severe headaches that are recurrent and pulsating and often only affect one-half of the head. Other symptoms may include vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. They can last from four hours to three days. They can last from four hours to three days in length.  

How to manage migraines to improve the quality of life 

Sometimes people see an ‘aura’ before a migraine starts, this ‘aura’ acts as a kind of warning signal and gives people a moment to take necessary steps to avoid a migraine. This can be achieved by avoiding activities that are triggering such as stress or environmental triggers or taking appropriate medication advised by your doctor or pharmacist.  

For most migraine sufferers, there are a few things they can do to limit the impact of a migraine attack: sitting quietly in a dark room, avoiding caffeine and other certain foods or taking pain relief medication or anti-nausea medication. One way to monitor migraine attacks is by using a diary to note symptoms, frequency and pain severity. This can be either written down or a voice note on your phone.  

Reducing the frequency of migraines through healthy living 

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly lower the number of migraines you’re experiencing. Common factors and triggers for migraines are not getting enough sleep and exercise.  

Exercise has been shown to help reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. This occurs through the release of endorphins, a natural mood-elevating chemical released in the body when exercising. Exercise also aids in sleep and weight regulation, both known factors that, if not managed appropriately, can increase migraine frequency.  
