Community Hub
No matter where you live, there’s a number of ways you can connect to, and develop meaningful relationships with, other members of our Synapse community.
From one-on-one chats to online groups and in-person events, when you connect to our Community Hub you will hear the stories and experiences of people who are experiencing changes and challenges to lives impacted by brain injury.

For People with Brain Injury
Our peer support community connects people with a brain injury with each other to socialise, share experiences and feel understood and supported.

For Carers and Family
Our community of carers and family members connect to share their experiences and knowledge and to simply support each other.

BrainBank Panel
The BrainBank Panel is your opportunity to connect with someone you’ll feel comfortable talking to about life experiences as you navigate your journey with brain injury.

BrainBank Podcast
The BrainBank Podcast is all about sharing experiences, expert resources and everyday advice from Australians who understand what it’s like to live with brain injury.

Brain Injury Forum
Our moderated online brain injury forum is a secure space to discuss your experiences with a supportive community of people living and working with brain injury.

Personal stories
Hear about the experiences of people who have been impacted by brain injury including people with brain injury, family members and carers.