30 Apr

Ageing Support at Synapse  


Ageing Support

It’s important as we age that we get the support we need, to help us achieve the most independent and fulfilling life possible. Often individuals are more susceptible to acquiring a brain injury as they age, due to falls, developing Dementia symptoms or Parkinson’s disease or having a stroke.  

Individuals with a brain injury may need additional support as they age due to a range of possible challenges, including the loss of skills gained in rehabilitation; increased risk of injuries from falls; high medical needs; increased risk of social isolation; reduced physical capacity; and decreased independent living skills. 

At Synapse, we have our “Ageing Team” that can provide information and support to those with a brain injury as they age. This support is highly individualised – for one person it could be talking through memory tips and tricks, for another it may be talking through a dementia diagnosis. The Ageing team can provide support around navigating the My Aged Care system and ensuring that people understand all the supports available to them.  

Synapse deliver this through the Commonwealth Home Support Program  a program which supports older people and their families providing information, social support and services that will help people continue to live in their own homes. 

To speak to a Synapse team member please call  1800 673 074 or fill in this form and a member of the team will give you a call. 


  • Spicer, M. (2009). Aging with a Brain Injury. Posted on Brainline.org. 
  • Synapse Australia’s Brain Injury Organisation, (Accessed April 2024). Ageing