2 Jul

Synapse CEO Jennifer Cullen reappointed to NDIA Independent Advisory Council


Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert announced on Wednesday 1 July that our CEO Jennifer Cullen has been reappointed to the Independent Advisory Council for another term.

Ms Cullen was first appointed to the Independent Advisory Council in 2013 as the Queensland Member. She was reappointed for a second term in July 2017.

“I am honoured to be appointed to the Independent Advisory Council for a third term for this important work. The council provides the Board of the National Disability Agency advice on issues affecting participants, carers and families,” Ms Cullen said.

The Independent Advisory Council (Council) was formed in 2013 to represent the participants’ voice in the NDIS.

Minister Robert said each member brings their individual insights, knowledge and experience to the table which is vital to achieving the best outcomes for participants and delivering the NDIS effectively.