14 Jul

Understanding brain injury from a distance

Brain injury has a profound and underestimated impact on society. It touches every demographic and culture, every age and occurs in every region. To achieve Synapse’s mission of rethinking brain injury and changing society, it’s important that everyone plays their part and does what they can to understand brain injury and support people in meaningful and impactful ways.

Prevalence of brain injury

Brain injury is more common than one might think. By being aware of the prevalence of brain injury, even if you are not directly impacted, you can develop a deeper understanding of its significance within society and the need for support and resources.

  • One in 45 individuals live with a brain injury
  • Almost 3 out of 4 people with a brain injury are under 65
  • 31% of all brain injuries are caused by traffic accidents
  • Head injuries from falls have doubled in the last decade.

*Sources: brain injury key fact and figures.

Support and collaboration opportunities

Knowing about brain injury opens the door for collaboration and support across different sectors. It encourages individuals, healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers and community organisations to work together. Resulting in improving prevention strategies, enhancing rehabilitation programs and advocating for the rights and wellbeing of those living with a brain injury. Collective efforts lead to stronger support networks and better outcomes for those living with brain injuries.

Awareness to increase prevention measures

Awareness of brain injury and its causes can help promote prevention and safety measures. Understanding the potential risks (like falls or car accidents) encourages individuals to take proactive steps to minimise the chances of brain injury. Public awareness campaigns and education can further emphasize the importance of safety, potentially reducing the incidence of brain injuries within the community.

Creating a supportive community

A well-informed community is better equipped to provide support and assistance to individuals living with brain injuries. When people understand the impact of brain injury, they can offer empathy, patience and appropriate accommodations. Empathy is a powerful tool for building connections, offering support and creating an inclusive society that values the experiences and well-being of all its members. Building a supportive community involves recognising the unique needs and challenges of those affected and working together to create an environment that supports their recovery, inclusion and overall wellbeing.

Breaking down stigmas and challenging stereotypes

Understanding brain injury and its impact helps break down stereotypes and stigmas associated with disabilities. Brain injuries are often invisible, meaning individuals may face misconceptions or judgment due to their cognitive, physical or emotional challenges. By being knowledgeable about brain injury, through training or researching brain injury, you can challenge stereotypes, promote understanding and create a more inclusive environment for those impacted by brain injury.