Communication, brain injury and the experiences of Indigenous Australians
From August 16 – 22, 2021, we are celebrating Brain Injury Awareness Week. Our theme, ‘Every brain injury is different’ recognises the uniqueness of each injury and tells the stories of people and families impacted by brain injury across Australia.
Professor Beth Armstrong and Kerri Colegate discuss their work around communication difficulties after brain injury and stroke, with a particular focus on the experiences of Indigenous Australians.
Professor Armstrong is Foundation Chair in Speech Pathology at Edith Cowan University and her colleague Kerri Colegate, a proud Noongar woman, leads the WA Brain Injury Yarning Circle.
Kerri Colegate was unable to stay online for the full duration of this interview, however Synapse recognises the importance of collaboration and joint input in the work that Professor Armstrong, Kerri and all of their colleagues do.
Both guests are happy to be contacted to provide further information about their work and the topics discussed in this interview:
Prof. Beth Armstong –
Kerri Colegate –