We accept that the long-term viability and credibility of Synapse is dependent on customer satisfaction. Any complaints, concerns or suggestions regarding the delivery of our services are welcomed and shall be considered for opportunity for improvement.

We will respond to your compliments or concerns as soon as we receive them, with every effort to provide the best service standards.

In keeping things as simple and easy to use, to make a compliment or complaint you can simply contact us through one of the following:

  • Talking with any Synapse Representative
  • Phoning our Office on 1800 673 074
  • Emailing us at info@synapse.org.au
  • Sending us a message through social media

Please tell us if you need any support in providing your feedback. We can help you to make contact with an Advocate or Support Person and, if needed, contact you in a way that is convenient for you.

Who can provide feedback?

Anyone who receives a service from Synapse, someone on their behalf, or anyone who is directly affected by our decisions or actions.

This includes:

  • Anyone who receives a service or support from Synapse (or an individual on their behalf)
  • Individuals who may affected by Synapse decisions and actions
  • Contractors and partner organisations

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when you disagree with our service or a decision we have made. For example:

  • An instance of our service delivery was poor
  • Failing to do something which we had agreed
  • Synapse giving wrong or misleading information
  • Our service standards were not met, or policies were not followed correctly
  • Inappropriate behaviour or lack of customer care provided by a member of staff or a contractor

Synapse will review all complaints fairly and confidentially. Where complaints are received anonymously, Synapse will record and review with the information that has been provided. Although, individual outcomes in anonymous complaints may be limited.

Responding to complaints

Synapse will do everything we can to respond to your complaint in a timely manner. This is generally between one to three business days. We will acknowledge that we have received your complaint, and keep you updated during the process. Should you have any questions during the process, you can contact the person assigned to your complaint.

We acknowledge that the circumstances that have led to the complaint may be distressing. Synapse will do our best to review the complaint, however we cannot accept any abusive, threatening, or unreasonable behaviour towards our staff.

If you're not happy with the resolution

On the rare occasion Synapse is not able to provide a resolution that you are satisfied with you can request that your complaint is reviewed by our Executive.

Beyond this, you may take your complaint, at any time, to an external organisation, including our funding body. Details for these organisations are listed below.

Copies of our Complaints and Feedback Policy can be requested from any Synapse Representative.

National External Organisations

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Services)

Telephone: 1800 035 544

Website: https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints


Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (Advocacy Services)

Telephone 1800 880 052

Website: www.jobaccess.gov.au/people-with-disability/making-complaint


Department of Social Services (NDIS Appeals Service)

Telephone: 1800 634 035

Website: https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-compliments-complaints-and-enquiries


Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Commonwealth Home Support Programme)

Telephone: 1800 951 822

Website: https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au