ABI The Facts

A practical guide to understanding and responding to acquired brain injury.

ABI The Facts Front Cover

ABI The Facts is a comprehensive brain injury resource for professionals, individuals and families. It provides simple explanations of complex medical terms and delivers guidance for every stage of the brain injury journey.

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New and Improved

Revised and updated to inform and reassure

ABI The Facts is now updated to reflect the latest clinical knowledge and feedback from our community. It draws on clinical knowledge and personal experiences to provide support through challenging times. This resource is a ‘must-have’ practical guide for anyone recently diagnosed or living with brain injury.

ABI The Facts inner pages

ABI The Facts for families

For Families

Nobody is prepared for brain injury, but many have walked this path before you. Their experiences – the things they learned, and the things they wish they’d known – form the basis of ABI The Facts.

It’s the essential handbook for anyone impacted by brain injury. Laid out in a logical order, to help you get to grips with what you’re experiencing now and understand what may lie ahead.

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ABI The Facts for support and professionals

For Support Providers

This easy-to-read document lays out the brain injury journey from hospital to home. Then from there it includes everything from employment to relationships, personality changes to assistive technologies. A comprehensive, but accessible, document designed to support people with brain injury and their families as they get to grips with their ‘new normal’.

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Support for ABI The Facts

The production of ABI The Facts has been partially funded by generous donations from families around Australia that wish to see others better informed about brain injury. Their generosity ensures this resource makes its way to those who need it most as they navigate the many challenges of life impacted by brain injury.

Find out more about how you can support Synapse’ ongoing work.