This year’s Brain Injury Awareness Week (BIAW) theme is ‘What’s your connection?’
As we know, the brain is made up of many synapses and neuropathways which connect how we think, feel, behave and act, move, smell, see, taste, understand and so much more. When one of these connections experiences an injury, many things can change in a person’s life. As no two brain injuries are the same, it is important to understand the unique impact an injury can have on a person’s life.
We know that 1 in 45 Australians have a brain injury, but many Australians are unaware or undiagnosed for brain injury. This year we ask, how is brain injury showing up and connecting Aussie’s with one another? This could be with family, with friends, work colleagues, strangers on the bus, train or when ordering your daily cuppa.

Brain injury is a disability that can affect anyone…a 19-year-old man who has sustained an injury through an accident. Or a 65-year-old woman who has a brain injury caused by a stroke or Dementia. Not much else might connect these two people, but a brain injury can.
As we dive deeper into the connections we have with each other, we need to acknowledge people living with brain injury can have limited access to government programs and systems with less understanding from others when carrying out everyday activities. When these limits are placed on someone, it can lead to pathways involving the justice system, incarceration, homelessness, alcohol and drugs and so much more. This is why this Brain Injury Awareness Week we ask, ‘what’s your connection?’
#BIAW24 #WhatsTheConnection