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What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a family of disorders produced by temporary changes in the electrical function of the brain, causing seizures that affect awareness, movement, or sensation. Its effects can be very similar to general seizures, but these usually occur due to causes other than abnormal electrical activity in the brain (e.g. stress, drugs, fever, low blood sugar or sodium).

Seizures can vary from a brief lapse of awareness to unconsciousness and jerking convulsions of the body. The majority of recurring seizures can be prevented by medications.

Diagnosis of epilepsy

One seizure alone is not enough for a diagnosis of epilepsy, as it may be a one-off occurrence, and 50% of people who have a seizure will never have another. In primary epilepsy, there is no abnormality seen in the brain and there is no known cause. In secondary epilepsy, the seizures are caused by an abnormality in brain tissue which can be found by a CT or MRI scan. A brain injury can lead to secondary epilepsy.

Treatment and management of epilepsy

The most common techniques for managing epilepsy include:

  • take medication on time
  • sleep well and minimise stress
  • avoid conditions that trigger seizures
  • wear a Medic-Alert bracelet
  • ensure friends and family know all about epilepsy and managing a fit.

There is frequently an “aura” before a seizure, which can include sensory hallucinations, dizziness or light-headedness, feelings of panic or déjà vu. On the other hand, there may be no warning at all. Recognising and acting on pre-seizure sensations can be an important technique for preventing serious physical injury.

There is no cure for epilepsy, but seizures are controllable with medication in the majority of cases. Different medications may be tried until the most effective treatment is found. Families and partners can play an important role by ensuring medication is taken when needed. They can also undertake first aid training to know how to provide first aid if a fit occurs.

In severe cases that don’t respond to medication, surgery might be used. It does not guarantee any benefit and there is the risk of brain injury.

First aid

See a doctor immediately or call an ambulance. A seizure may indicate a serious medical condition. If the seizure is severe, calling an ambulance is the very first priority. If you are alone and have a severe seizure, it may take time to recover but call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Don’t attempt to restrain the person during a fit. If possible, roll them into the recovery position and ensure the airway is clear, e.g. no vomit in the mouth. Make sure there are no objects like chairs or tables nearby that they could hurt themselves against when fitting.

Ensure they are still breathing and time the duration of the fits as the ambulance officers will want this information when they arrive.

When the fit has passed, the person will normally be quite groggy and tired when consciousness returns. Make sure they rest until they have recovered enough to get up.

Further information

Epilepsy Action of Australia: