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The causes of this type of neurological impairment include:

  • brain injuries
  • spinal cord injuries
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • multiple sclerosis
  • motor neuron disease
  • stroke.

There is increasing evidence that this therapy can improve situations even when the condition is degenerative.

In the case of brain injury, common effects can include tremors, spasms, weak muscles and a lack of balance and coordination. A therapist will look at the functions a person has lost as a result of injury, and then determine the type of training needed to regain those skills.

Neurological physiotherapy requires a sound knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and neurology. Typical work involves being able to:

  • maintain a seated position
  • move from sitting to standing
  • walk with assistance
  • cross a road safely.

The techniques involved in neurological physical therapy are wide-ranging and require specialised training in tailored exercises, mobility aids and splinting.