NDIS Pre-Planning

Our NDIS Pre-planning service helps you to prepare for an application to receive NDIS funding. Our team will guide you through preparation and explore your formal and informal support needs, ensuring that what is applied for meets your desired goals and outcomes.

This process will help you to feel more confident leading into NDIS planning, clarifying complex terminology and providing a clear understanding of what you can ask for in your plan. Using a range of resources, we will document all information so you are well-equipped for NDIS planning meetings.

If brain injury was more recently acquired or diagnosed, speak to us about our brain injury assessments to explore your specific practical needs in greater depth prior to NDIS pre-planning.

Support Coordination


Our Support Coordination service takes the guesswork out of planning for and managing an NDIS plan by assisting with decisions and connecting you, or someone you care for, with the right supports. Managing a plan can be time consuming, confusing and complicated and our experienced Support Coordinators will simplify the process by liaising with you to provide advice and tailored information.

Specialist Support Coordination


Specialist Support Coordination is specially funded for people who have more complex, high needs, are in a crisis situation or have come into contact with the criminal justice system. This is delivered by our Support Coordinators with Allied Health, Psychology or Social Work qualifications to ensure high needs and risks are appropriately addressed.

NDIS Appeals (NSW)

If you have received an unsatisfactory or inappropriate NDIS plan outcome from the NDIA, or have been denied access all together, we can offer you advice and support through or NDIS Appeals service. 

Our team’s specialist brain injury and disability knowledge allows us to advocate for you and support you through the appeals process. We understand the NDIS application and appeals process in detail, know what information to look for and how to develop an approach that best represents you and your desired outcomes. 

Housing Options

We know how important it is to live a quality life at home and we understand the specific housing needs that relate to brain injury. We will support you to connect with and coordinate NDIS funded housing activities, ensuring life with a brain injury is lived as independently as possible.

Direct Support

We provide specialised brain injury personal support across aspects of daily life as people require it to meet their identified goals. Our practical support allows people to feel a greater sense of autonomy and participate in meaningful community, vocational and educational opportunities. 

NDIS Support Services Pricing

Our NDIS support services are billed at the current NDIS Price guide rates, and are updated annually in line with any changes to these rates.

Schedule of Fees – Standard

Schedule of Fees – High Intensity Level 2