Indigenous Australians

Brain injury impacts many indigenous, rural, and remote communities across Australia.

Synapse’s Indigenous factsheets talk about issues in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that may result in a brain injury, or be occurring because of one. These factsheets include all the most relevant and current information about brain injury and outline what supports are available.

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Indigenous Australians

Physical assault

A physical assault or fighting can happen for lots of reasons. But one of the main causes is people drinking grog. People can get seriously hurt and also cause serious injuries to someone else.

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Indigenous Australians

Mental health & suicide

Mental health describes the health of your emotions and how you cope. Unlike your physical health, your mind is more fragile and can start to change from things such as frightening experiences.

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Indigenous Australians

Drug and alcohol abuse

Drinking a lot of grog all the time can cause lots of different health issues like diabetes and kidney failure. You can have these health issues for a short time, or they can be for life and turn into serious injuries.

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Indigenous Australians

Domestic and family violence

Domestic violence is when a person abuses and/or physically hurts their partner. Family violence is when a person abuses and/or physically hurts their family.

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