Respite for carers
Carers find that to best manage in their caring roles they will need to take time out for themselves.
Read moreCarers usually find life begins to revolve around the person with a brain injury. The workload often leads to stress and frustration, along with dramatic changes in lifestyle and roles as they access community services, provide health care and look after the family as well.
When the caring role is a long-term one, it is very important to manage stress as it can lead to health problems, depression, and anxiety and reduce your capacity to be an effective carer.
You will probably use coping strategies that you have used for difficult times in the past. This is useful, but often the caring role is so difficult it makes sense to experiment with new ways of dealing with stressful situations.
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Researchers have asked people how they have coped with a brain injury occurring within the family (Willer et al 1991). While every family member is different, here are some strategies that other family members have found helpful:
Taking a few moments to relax can help you be more ready for the things you need to do. Learning to relax is not easy – even when you rest at the end of a long day, you are probably thinking about what you need to do tomorrow or how to solve a problem. Here are some techniques to train your body and mind to relax. Find the ones that work best for you.
Your breathing becomes quick and shallow when you are stressed, instead of breathing deeply from your diaphragm (the muscle between the chest and abdomen). Taking full breaths from your diaphragm puts your body in a relaxed state. Try this exercise several times a day:
This helps you to understand the difference between how your muscles feel when tense and relaxed.
This clears your mind of negative thoughts and stress. Choose a focus word or phrase – it can be something with a positive meaning like “peace” or just a word that is easy to remember such as “one”. Take full deep breaths from your diaphragm. Say the focus word to yourself each time you breathe out.
Lie down and imagine yourself in a place where you feel calm and relaxed. It can be a real place you’ve visited, or somewhere you have imagined. For example, imagine yourself on a beach lying in the cool sand – feel the sun on your face, the sand against your skin, and listen to the surf.
We all respond differently to difficult situations – some people take in their stride while others will barely be able to cope. Much of this comes down to how we choose to see the situation, as irrational responses usually lead to stress.
For example, the person with a brain injury yells at us. A rational response would be “emotional outbursts are common after a brain injury so this could be due to fatigue, anxiety or feeling unable to cope”.
An irrational response is “how rude, and after all I’ve done as a carer, I feel so unappreciated and don’t deserve to be put down like this”.
Irrational responses and will lead to unpleasant emotions that prevent us from responding in a healthy way. Most of our irrational responses will stem from one of these attitudes:
Remember, learning new ways to think and cope takes time. Be kind to yourself, allow yourself the chance to make mistakes. Focus on your successes no matter how small. Coping effectively is like any other major challenge. It requires tenacity, endurance and commitment for change.
Carers find that to best manage in their caring roles they will need to take time out for themselves.
Read moreCarers need to maintain their own health and wellbeing as part of their caring role.
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