
Panic attacks

Panic attacks occur when the body reacts as if it is in grave danger in a situation where there is no imminent threat.

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Clinical depression

Clinical depression is a serious disorder that impacts on a person physically, emotionally and even cognitively - slowing thought processes and reducing the ability to concentrate.

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Brain injury and suicide risks

People with an acquired brain injury may be at risk of suicide at some stage of their recovery process. It is very important for family members and friends to recognise the danger signs, know how to help and who to turn to for advice or referral.

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Brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

While the general effects of brain injury can often include a level emotional distress, affecting your ongoing health and well-being, it’s not uncommon for people with a brain injury to experience more specific symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Stress, anxiety and brain injury

While stress is part of everyday life and a natural reaction when major change occurs, its impact can be much greater following brain injury.

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Developing mental illness after a brain injury

Brain injury is a known risk factor for developing a mental illness, while some people with brain injury will have a pre-existing mental illness. Either way, dealing with both can cause additional stress for the person and their family after a brain injury.

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