Support Designed with You

Our aim is to help you to focus on your skills and strengths, using a self-directed plan that enables you to live in your own home. We seek to promote flexibility, making sure your supports are arranged in a way that best meets your needs as you build on your capabilities and independence.  Synapse will also help you and your supporters to take the lead role in your life choices, supports and funding, ensuring your rights and decision making are respected.

Direct Support Options

Having explored your specific needs and goals, we’ll work with you to identify the most suitable type of support to help you live the way you want, and where you choose. A range of options are available and can be combined to suit your individual needs. Once this is decided, we’ll help you to coordinate your supports.


24 hour physical staff presence (16 hours per day + 8 hours sleepover/wake over)

For people who have high and complex support requirements often due to life threatening medical conditions, and/or behaviours that challenge other people’s understanding and put either themselves or others at risk.


24 hour support at planned times including emergency support

Some people may not require support all the time, but will need planned supports at specific times during the day (eg. help with shopping, cooking meals).  People may also need to know someone can be contacted if they need help to work through things in an emergency (eg. Power goes out).


Support at home

A flexible option for people living at home with their friends or loved ones. Staff support is designed around the current way of life with the person or family determining how support is provided.


Informal support (paid and non-paid)

For people who have a good informal support network, or can bring others into their extended circle of support. This may include family, friends and paid support workers where required.


Planned and Unplanned Support

A mix of scheduled formal support and informal support that encourages and reinforces natural support networks. When designed effectively this option can be more sustainable and supports people to strengthen their community connections and relationships.


Shared support for people living close by

For people who live close by and need to access similar supports on a regular basis. People don’t have to know each other, but do need to understand the compromises involved when a support resource is being shared amongst a number of people.


Overnight support

People who don’t need assistance during the day may need support overnight e.g. help to re-position or emergency situations. A support staff member is physically onsite overnight to monitor and provide support when needed. This may be paired with other support options during the day as required.


Assistive technology support

Implementation of assistive technology can reduce reliance on staff which may be a preferred option for those who want greater independence and control over their own lives. Assistive