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Feedback and Complaints

It is the policy of Synapse that customers who have contact with, or access our services have the right to lodge a complaint, make comment and provide feedback if they are unsatisfied or concerned with the treatment or support they receive.

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Come Home Come Heal Come Rest

Come Home, Come Heal, Come Rest represents three inter-related core strategies oriented to improve understanding of and response to brain injury and cognitive impairment amongst Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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Child Protection, Youth and Family Services

Child Protection, Youth and Family Services

Adverse life experiences can influence vulnerability to disadvantage including violence, trauma and substance (AOD) misuse, all of which can lead to brain injury.

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Women looking to the left

Community Living Initiative – Cairns

Cairns Community Living is a safe place of belonging for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples with a disability.

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Women looking to the left

Community Living Initiative

Cairns Community Living is a safe place of belonging for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples with a disability.

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Community Hub

No matter where you live, there’s a number of ways you can connect to, and develop meaningful relationships with,…

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Synapse partners with research institutions, organisations and government bodies to create change for those impacted by brain injury.

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Australia's brain injury organisation


Synapse-Australia's Brain Injury Organisation, is expanding nationally, creating a remarkable opportunity for you to be at the forefront of change as a part of the Synapse team.

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Community Rules

The Brain Injury Forum exists to provide you with a safe space to discuss your experiences. Our Community Rules outline the values that should guide your discussions and provide further detail on how Synapse staff moderate the forum.

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Yarn Up Employment

Yarn Up Employment

Throughout 2020 we will be working with Aboriginal communities and Disability Employment Service providers across Western Australia to develop new, culturally informed resources to support the delivery of employment services.

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NDIS Services

NDIS Services

Registered NDIS pre-planning, support coordination and specialised services to ensure you, or the person you are caring for, get the most suitable support.

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Housing and Homelessness

Housing and Homelessness

Home is where the heart is. But for people with brain injury we know this is frequently not the case, with many experiencing housing instability, living in aged care or in housing that does not meet their needs.

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support for carers and family

Support For Carers and Family

Ensure you are equipped to care for someone with a brain injury by building a community of like-minded people around you.

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Support For People with Brain Injury

Support For People with Brain Injury

Our peer support community offers people with a brain injury the opportunity to connect with others to socialise, share experiences and feel understood and supported.

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Murri Court

Murri Court Pilot Project

In 2018-2019 Synapse partnered with the Brisbane Murri Court to complete a pilot project in response to the need for culturally safe screening for brain injury and complex disability in the Murri Court system.

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The Guddi Way Screen

The Guddi Way Screen

The Guddi Way Screen is an online, secure and automated platform built from evidence and stakeholder consultation. The screen identifies cognitive impairment and needs within a culturally informed and validated process.

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Information and practical housing support options to help you or someone you support live in the home and community of their choice.

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ABI The Facts

ABI The Facts

ABI The Facts is a comprehensive brain injury resource for professionals, individuals and families alike - it provides simple explanations of complex medical terms and delivers guidance for every stage of the journey.

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Law Courts

Justice and Corrections

We understand the need for appropriate disability identification and referral processes to better support people with brain injury subject or at risk of custodial sentences and reduce recidivism.

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Yarn Up Cards displayed on table

Yarn Up about the NDIS

We have resources designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to start conversations about the NDIS and provide examples of some of the types of supports and services available.

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Law Courts

Court Link

Court Link is the Queensland Courts integrated court assessment, referral and support program. Synapse is delivering the pilot Court Link Community Support Service (CLCS) in Cairns QLD.

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Direct Support

Direct Support

Tailored personal support across aspects of daily living, enabling you or someone you support to participate in desired community, vocational and educational activities.

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ABI The Facts – Sixth Edition

ABI The Facts is a comprehensive brain injury resource for professionals, individuals and families alike – it provides simple explanations of complex medical terms and delivers guidance for every stage of the journey.

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Why Our Work Matters

We are tackling the complex issues that contribute to the prevalence and impact of brain injury and continue cycles of disadvantage and marginalisation for many individuals and their communities.

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Wurri-Wurri Outreach

Wurri-Wurri Outreach

Our Wurri-Wurri Outreach in Queensland’s Far North is all about respecting our Elders. Together, in partnership with our Elders, we can keep them strong, both mentally and physically.

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Women experiencing domestic violence.

Domestic and Family Violence

Synapse is working to respond to the unique needs of people with brain injury as a result of domestic violence, contributing to improved outcomes.

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Cairns Community Housing Initiative

Post Occupancy Evaluation (Cairns)

A housing model evaluation of our Cairns Community Living Initiative to systemically understand the outcomes of design decisions against the building’s performance in terms of user needs.

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Contact Us

Get in touch with us today to make an enquiry or find out more about our services, programs and projects for people impacted by brain injury.

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Creating Real Change

We are passionate about creating change across Australia by developing an evidence base to connect knowledge, policy, services and systems that address complex issues surrounding brain injury.

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In Hospital and at Home Support

Our Family Liaison Program provides practical support and information to family members and carers of people who have a brain injury during hospital, rehabilitation and the transition home.  

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Facebook Groups

Join one of our safe and supportive Facebook Groups for people with a brain injury, their carers and extended community.

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BrainBank Podcast

BrainBank Podcast

The BrainBank Podcast will answer your questions and connect you to community programs and services to help you live the life you want.

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Brain Injury Awareness Week

Brain Injury Awareness Week

Brain Injury Awareness Week will be held 19 - 25 August 2024 to raise awareness of brain injury and its impact in Australia.

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2022-23 Annual Review

2022-23 Annual Review

Synapse’s vision is to ‘rethink brain injury and change society’. Our commitment to this vision is ambitious and unwavering.

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2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

It begins with Community

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Our Mission, Vision and Values

When Alwyn Ricci founded Synapse (then Headway) thirty-five years ago, it was to make a genuine and practical difference to the lives of people impacted by brain injury and disability. This same passion and commitment continue to drive us forward today.

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Synapse Blog

From events and special announcements, to updates on our support services and research, there's always lots happening at Synapse.

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tree in rural Australia

Rural and Remote

People with brain injury living in rural and remote locations have significantly less access to services and supports, due to the lack of availability in these areas.

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Artwork by Aunty Lauraine Barlow

Assessing the Disability Needs of Indigenous Prisoners

Synapse is working with Griffith University to review the processes for assessing the disability needs of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander prisoners.

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Our Board and Leadership

The Synapse Leadership Team is responsible for providing strategic and operational management. The team has a diversity of specialist disability, health, research and corporate skills. Our Board members provide a broad range of experience in governance, finance, operations, disability, communications and health.

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Synapse Brain Injury Forum

Brain Injury Forum

A space for you to discuss your experiences, share advice and have meaningful, safe conversations about brain injury with a community that understands.

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2022 Annual Review

2022 Annual Review

On our journey, we never walk alone. We're strong when we stand with our partners, linking communities and cultures in positive ways.

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Two girls looking at each other

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with disabilities have much lower rates of access to appropriate services and supports including the NDIS.

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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Those providing assessment and support within the NDIS should have appropriate education and training about brain injury and the cultural needs of Indigenous Australians.

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

We are committed to increasing awareness about FASD, particularly in relation to people who may be undiagnosed and at risk of homelessness and/or engagement with the criminal justice system.

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Fact Sheets

At Hospital

Coma and brain injury

Coma is generally the result of damage or interference with particular structures of the brain, and its length and depth provide a strong indication of the severity of brain injury.

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Communication Disorders After a Brain Injury

A brain injury can affect a person’s ability to communicate by impairing their hearing, speech and cognitive processing.

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Legal and Advocacy

Compensation Claim

When another party has caused an injury through negligence there may be grounds for making a claim for compensation.

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Steps to independence

Resuming an independent lifestyle safely after a brain injury is an important goal. This goal should be approached in stages based on individual needs and abilities.

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Recovery and Rehab

Complementary Therapies

People often turn to complementary therapies and alternative medicines to assist with some of the issues created by a brain injury.

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Recovery and Rehab

Speech deficits and speech pathologists

Speech language pathology encompasses the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders.

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Impact on Families

Relationship Changes After Brain Injury

Everyone wants to be loved, it’s a fundamental human need. We all need people to talk to and laugh with, spend time with, share ideas, worries and joys. But after brain injury our relationships with partners, family and friends can often change quite significantly.

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Recovery and Rehab

Guide to Low Cost Rehab

Your family member is discharged from hospital and you are ready to continue their rehabilitation. The steps listed below may serve as a guide if you wish to develop a program using free or low-cost resources which exist in your community.

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A Parents Guide

Parenting a Child with Brain Injury

The early days after your child’s brain injury. Raising a child brings challenges to all parents, and for parents of a child with a brain injury, those challenges canbe magnified.

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A Parents Guide

The early days after your child’s brain injury

Raising a child brings challenges to all parents, and for parents of a child with a brain injury, those challenges can be magnified.

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Determining brain injury severity

Several indicators are used to make predictions in determining brain injury severity.

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A Parents Guide

Building social skills

Children and young people with a brain injury may have difficulty with the social skills that most of us take for granted.

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Social Skills and Confidence

Social skills and confidence can both be affected following an acquired brain injury.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Degenerative Conditions

There are a number of degenerative conditions that lead to brain injury. Dementia is a category of brain diseases that result in memory loss and deterioration of speech, motor skills and cognitive functioning as it progresses.

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Managing Behaviour

The message behind brain injury behaviour

There are many reasons why a person with brain injury might develop challenging behaviour.

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Headaches are a common and often persistent problem after acquiring a brain injury.  Headaches can arise after damage to different structures both inside and outside the head.

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Motivation and initiation (Adynamia)

Some brain injuries can result in a loss of motivation and difficulty in getting started with activities.

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Sexual changes

Acquired brain injury (ABI) can have a number of consequences for an individual’s sexual functioning.

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Returning to studies

Survivors of a brain injury who have done very well in their recovery may still face significant challenges in returning to their studies.

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Managing Behaviour

What are complex and challenging behaviours?

These can be behaviours where the reasons behind the behaviour are difficult to understand or that people find hard to accept.

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A Parents Guide

Your Child’s Development

A brain injury can disrupt the long and complicated process to move from childhood through to being a mature adult.

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Clinical Depression

Clinical depression is a serious disorder that impacts on a person physically, emotionally and even cognitively - slowing thought processes and reducing the ability to concentrate.

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Brain injury and suicide risks

People with an acquired brain injury may be at risk of suicide at some stage of their recovery process. It is very important for family members and friends to recognise the danger signs, know how to help and who to turn to for advice or referral.

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Impact on Families

The Importance of Family after a Brain Injury

The care needs of people affected by a brain injury often fall informally onto their parents, spouse or siblings.

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Recovery and Rehab

Accommodation options after a brain injury

The effects of a brain injury can be diverse, so a wide range of accommodation options are needed.

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A Parents Guide

Protecting your family’s wellbeing

In the aftermath of your child acquiring a brain injury it can be easy to neglect your family. Caring for a child with a brain injury can take a great deal of time and energy. It's easy for everyone else's needs to get side-lined, and difficult to get the balance right.

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Impaired Awareness

Lack of self-awareness is a common outcome for people who sustain brain injuries with frontal lobe damage. Their inability to self-monitor and self-correct behaviour can lead to challenging behaviours.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Infections and Diseases

Infections that cause swelling in the brain or the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord (meninges) can result in acquired brain injury (ABI).

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Causes of Brain Injury


A stroke is an interruption of blood supply to part of the brain. If arteries become blocked, bleed or break, then the brain tissue is damaged, causing brain injury.

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Recovery and Rehab

Brain injury rehabilitation: an introduction

Rehabilitation refers to a variety of therapies and support services available to people following the acute phase of recovery, once a person is medically stable.

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Tests and scans

The long-term effects of a brain injury may not be evident for some time. This makes predictions of recovery difficult in the months following a brain injury.

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Problems with Organising

Most people with an ABI will initially find some difficulty with prioritising, sequencing,organising, starting, and completing tasks.

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Ageing with a Brain Injury

Active Ageing with a Brain Injury

Actively engaging in physical activity and social engagement tests resilience. When someone is ageing with a brain injury, a positive ageing experience can be experienced.

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Recovery and Rehab

Pets as Therapy

While dogs have long been portrayed as ‘man’s best friend’ - a loyal companion – it’s not only canines that can prove a source of support and reassurance following brain injury.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Alcohol & Drug Related Brain Injury

Alcohol is a poison, or neurotoxin, that can cause injury to the brain. This is known as Alcohol Related Brain Injury (ARBI). Other drugs - which fall into the category of stimulants, depressants or hallucinogens - can also lead to impairments.

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Recovery and Rehab

Recovery Tips

Although the degree of recovery is largely determined by the nature and extent of the injury, the level of engagement in rehabilitation also significantly affects recovery outcomes.

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A Parents Guide

Balancing risk and independence for children with a brain injury

Growing up involves taking risks. This is normal as young people ‘test the waters’ and move towards independence and adulthood.

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Sleep Issues

Lack of sleep has a negative effect on our ability to think, mood, energy levels and appetite. The average person needs around eight hours sleep a night or will suffer from decreased concentration, energy and many other problems.

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Brain Injury Basics

Understanding the Nervous System

The nervous system is a complex system including the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It interprets and responds to information received through the senses.

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Sensory and perceptual problems

Sensory and perceptual problems arise from damage to the right side of the brain or the parietal and occipital lobes of the brain.

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Anger is a very common emotional response after a brain injury and can be directly related to impairments caused by the injury and difficulties with self-regulation.

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Impulsive behaviour

Injury to the frontal lobes after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can affect the area of the brain that normally controls our impulses.

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The ability to view the world from someone else’s point of view is a complex cognitive skill that occurs in the frontal lobes of the brain.

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Legal and Advocacy


Advocacy relates to access and the fundamental human rights, needs and interests of all. Advocacy may involve speaking up for someone with a disability, or self-advocacy where a person speaks for themselves.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Anoxic and Hypoxic Brain Injury (lack of oxygen)

Brain injury can occur when there is a reduction in (hypoxic) or complete lack of (anoxic) oxygen supply to the brain.

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Decision-making and Brain Injury

Decision-making ranges from minor decisions, such as what to have for dinner, to major life-changing ones, such as changing careers.

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Memory Problems and Tips

Short-term memory loss is very common after a brain injury – thankfully there are plenty of coping strategies available. Typical situations include forgetting people's names, losing a train of thought, getting lost at the shops, repeating or forgetting past conversations, misplacing objects and difficulty learning new skills. 

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Indigenous Australians

Mental Health & Suicide

Mental health describes the health of your emotions and how you cope. Unlike your physical health, your mind is more fragile and can start to change from things such as frightening experiences.

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Health and Wellbeing


A brain injury may result in an ongoing need for medications prescribed to you by your doctor.

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Returning to work

Many people with a brain injury see returning to work or study as an important milestone.

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Recovery and Rehab

Neuropsychological Assessment

A neuropsychological assessment will usually be provided in the early stages of recovery. The main aim of the assessment is to maximise the survivor’s rehabilitation and participation in family, work and the community.

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Managing fatigue

Fatigue is a common and highly disabling symptom experienced by people with a brain injury.

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Recovery and Rehab

Steps to a healthier brain

The brain needs exercise to stay in optimum health, just like our body. Practising skills will lead to better performance and ongoing mental stimulation will help protect against mental decline.

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At Hospital

Coping with stress in hospital

The time in the hospital can be an overwhelming experience, but there are things that you can do to minimise stress.

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Social and recreational activities

Having a social life and pursuing interests make life worthwhile and are important to consider following brain injury.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Brain tumours and brain cancer

Brain tumours can affect brain function in a number of ways and to varying degrees, depending on where they grow and how severe they are.

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Managing Behaviour

Giving feedback on behaviour

Relearning sociable behaviour is easier when family, friends and co-workers agree on set limits and give the same feedback on what is acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.

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Impact on Families

The Importance of Family After Brain Injury

The impact of a brain injury has been likened to throwing a pebble in a pond. The ripple effect expands to partners, friends, family, carers, work colleagues and the wider community.

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Impact on Families

Self-Care for Carers and Family Members

Carers need to maintain their own health and wellbeing as part of their caring role.

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Impact on Families

Managing stress and the caring role

Caring for a family member with a brain injury is one of the most difficult challenges that can confront a family especially for those providing direct care.

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Legal and Advocacy

Guardianship / Decision Making

Everyone has a legal right to make decisions and control their own life. If a person loses the ability to make decisions in life, legal guardians and administrators can make decisions for them.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Concussion / Mild TBI

Concussion is the most common form of traumatic brain injury (TBI), affecting around 42 million people worldwide each year. It is the result of a physical blow or sudden jolt that forces the brain to move within the skull.

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A Parents Guide

Language and Living Skills

Language and everyday living skills may need particular attention to ensure that a child with a brain injury recovers to the fullest extent possible over the years.

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Developing Mental Illness after a Brain Injury

Brain injury is a known risk factor for developing a mental illness, while some people with brain injury will have a pre-existing mental illness. Either way, dealing with both can cause additional stress for the person and their family after a brain injury.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is caused by either a blow to the head or by the head being forced to move rapidly forwards or backwards.

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Ageing with a Brain Injury

Preparing for retirement

Retirement programs enable people with disability to successfully retire, and support mainstream community services to better accommodate people with disability.

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Brain Injury Basics

Understanding the Brain

The brain controls and coordinates everything we do - our movements, feelings, thoughts, and bodily functions.

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Recovery and Rehab

Leaving hospital

The return home from hospital after a brain injury is usually eagerly awaited by family members.

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Brain injury information for employers

Post-brain injury many employees are eager to return to work. Employers may find some simple adjustments can be made to allow this to happen.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) refers to a range of impairments that can develop in an individual due to exposure to alcohol in the womb.

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Causes of Brain Injury

Dementia and brain injury

Dementia is a category of brain diseases that result in memory loss and deterioration of speech, motor skills and cognitive functioning as it progresses.

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Recovery and Rehab

Support, Friendship, Reducing Chances of Another Injury

It is beneficial to stay in touch with friends during the rehabilitation and recovery stage. Additionally, support groups can play a vital role for the person with a brain injury, their carers and family.

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Domestic violence

Challenging behaviours after a brain injury can sometimes lead to domestic violence within a family.

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Brain injury and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

While the general effects of brain injury can often include a level emotional distress, affecting your ongoing health and well-being, it’s not uncommon for people with a brain injury to experience more specific symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Epilepsy and Other Seizures

Epilepsy is recurring brief episodes of abnormal electrical activity in the brain leading to uncontrolled convulsions and unconsciousness, or a momentary loss of awareness.

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Catholic Community Services- Community Options- Homelessness Service

Funded by ADHC- for residents in City of Sydney LGA- homeless or at risk of homelessness.

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Community Transport Organisation

Website has a search engine of community transport services for those disadvantaged including people with a disability.

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Community Care Northern Beaches Limited CCNB

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Yulu-Burri-Ba Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health

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Community Care Access Point (CCAP)

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Aboriginal Community Elders Services

Assistance with self-care and taking medicine

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Inner West Community Transport

Community based organisation dedicated to providing transport options for people who are transport disadvantaged.

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Woodville Community Services

Case Management Services/ Community Partipation Programs/ Recreational Program. ( other programs available)

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Tweed Shire Community Options

Tweed Shire area- Community Options- complex case management

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Macarthur Community Options

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Multicultural Community Centre

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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Community Health Services

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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Community Health Services

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Pine Rivers Community Assisted Transport Service

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Redcliffe Community Health Centre

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Optimal Communications Pty Ltd

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Mobility Aids Australia

Provides equipment and mobility aids specialised for your needs.

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Psychologist & Counsellors Australia

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Freedom Motors Australia

Provides vehicle modifications and transport solutions for wheelchair access.

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Home health and Medical Supplies

Provides medical, continence and first aid supplies.

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Family Advocacy

An independent, disability advocacy organisation which works across New South Wales, Australia. The organisation works with families in which there… Continue reading "Family Advocacy"

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Metro Rehab

Also includes a specialised stroke rehab centre

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MidNorth Coast Therapy Group – Lauren Procter

Private practices – specialises in brain injury rehab and equipment prescription

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The Sydney Clinic

Private psychiatric hospital. Medicated detox. 21 day rehab. Recovery Support. Patients must be admitted under a psychiatrist.

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Tram Assist and Care Pty Ltd

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Bridge Health Pty Ltd

Services can assist those Adults and children with: Neurological disorders Brain injury Stroke Dementia Head and neck cancer Normal ageing

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Matchworks -DES

Works with job seekers supporting them to find employment.

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At Work Australia

Works with job seekers supporting them to find employment.

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Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy

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Midline Physiotherapy

Expert Neurological Rehab Physiotherapy Duration varies • Price varies Home and community visits, specialising in treating these conditions: -Stroke -Traumatic… Continue reading "Midline Physiotherapy"

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Mindset Neurological Physiotherapy

We provide in-home rehabilitation for anyone experiencing movement or functional difficulties as a result of a neurological condition or injury.

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The Benevolent Society

Community Options program- complex case management. Known as Community Care Team.

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Neurolab PT

Neurolab PT focuses on neurological rehabilitation, providing back to basics home visiting physiotherapy services.

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The Personal Group

Disability employment services for people who have a disability or mental health condition.

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Newcastle Neuro

Newcastle Neuro speech pathologists have over ten years of experience working with adults with developmental, acquired and degenerative conditions across… Continue reading "Newcastle Neuro"

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Vision Counselling Perth office

We provide professional psychology and counselling services in individual counselling marriage counselling relationship counselling family counselling psychologists perth Employee Assistance… Continue reading "Vision Counselling Perth office"

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OT Rehab Solutions (OT)

Specialist areas include neurological rehabilitation including stroke and traumatic brain injury, aged care and home modifications.

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Moore Rehab (OT)

Covers many areas across NSW (regional and CBD) – specialising in catastrophic and complex cases.

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Victorian Case Management Services

Specialist Case Management Services for people living with Mental Illness, Acquired Brain Injury and Disabilities

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Gisella Artola Speech Pathology (SP)

Speech pathology services incl. training in ipad apps/communication

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Morcare services

Provides assistance with personal activities, participation in community and social activities, development of daily skills and behavioural support.

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Kirrawe Indigenous Corporation

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Advanced Allied Health Group

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Crossroads Counselling Practice – Melissa Adams (OT)

OT with experience in mental health – also includes counselling services.

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Banter Speech and Language (SP)

Works with adults with TBI – speech therapy, assessments, reading, writing, spelling, group therapy.

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Provides a broad range of services including in home support, allied health services, in home nursing and drug and alchol… Continue reading "REDHS"

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Everyday Independence

Community based therapy service offering occupational therapy, speech pathology and physiotherapy services.

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Private Care

All care plans designed by registered nurses. They take in clients with brain injury. Also has 24 hour care available.

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Wise OT Solutions (OT)

Provides both occupational therapy and case management

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Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council

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Also includes connected technology, meal preparation, housekeeping etc.

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Rebound Health

Rebound Health is a multidisciplinary allied health team including Occupational Therapy, Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy and Dietetics. An NDIS accredited provider… Continue reading "Rebound Health"

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North West Alliance – multiple partnerships

A partnership including Northern Rivers Social Development Council, Mid Coast Communities, Intereach, Pathfinders, CareWest and Murrumbidgee Medicare Local

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Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council

Information on current consumer-based publications, laws, research and discussion papers

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Mens Carer

Prepare to reel in an unforgettable experience with! Our mission is to create a safe, inclusive space where people… Continue reading "Mens Carer"

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Perth Osteopathic Medicine

Perth Osteopathic Medicine in a multi-disciplinary clinic that takes a whole-body approach to good health.

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Booroongen Djugun Limited

Aboriginal Service Providers: Kempsey, Nambucca, Port Macquarie, Greater Taree, Great Lakes, Gloucester.

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Provider of care staff and in-home nurses to private, public or community-based organisations. Also specialise in brain injury.

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National OT

Provide occupational therapy, speech pathology, paediatric services and physiotherapy services.

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Alliance Rehabilitation Pty Ltd

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Royal Rehabilitation Centre

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Leadership Plus

Provides advocacy assistance and leadership development to people living with a disability.

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Absolute Care and Health

Provides shopping, personal care, meal preparation, domestic tasks and transport assistance

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Sunshine Coast NeuroRehab

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Royal Rehab Private

Wide range of services – neurological, orthopaedic, reconditioning etc

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Independent options for Mobility

Provides travel training to individuals with an ABI or other cognitive impairments to maintain their independence.

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Therapy Plus (OT)

Margaret Onus – expertise in driving assessments (clients wanting to get their licence), everyday living skills etc.

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Breathe Counselling Perth

Breathe Counselling offers professional, confidential and compassionate counselling services. Our team of qualified counsellors offer individuals, couples and families solutions… Continue reading "Breathe Counselling Perth"

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Breathe Counselling Perth

Breathe Counselling offers professional, confidential and compassionate counselling services. Our team of qualified counsellors offer individuals, couples and families solutions… Continue reading "Breathe Counselling Perth"

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Breathe Counselling Perth

Breathe Counselling offers professional, confidential and compassionate counselling services. Our team of qualified counsellors offer individuals, couples and families solutions… Continue reading "Breathe Counselling Perth"

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Mid-North Coast Therapy Group

Clinical Psychology, rehabilitation psychology, case management, occupational therapy

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Breathe Counselling Perth

Breathe Counselling offers professional, confidential and compassionate counselling services. Our team of qualified counsellors offer individuals, couples and families solutions… Continue reading "Breathe Counselling Perth"

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Neurorehab Allied Health Network

Provides physiotherapists, accredited exercise physiologists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, music therapists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, behaviour support practitioners, remedial massage therapists, and… Continue reading "Neurorehab Allied Health Network"

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Mary Hughes Speech Pathology

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Austin Health – Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre

The acquired brain injury unit is a statewide inpatient rehabilitation service for people with an acquired brain injury.

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Jurmaine Health

Centre for Brain and body improvement -provides a team of neuropsychologists, psychologists, chiropractors, physiotherapists who work closely together to solve… Continue reading "Jurmaine Health"

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Alfred Health Neuropsychology Clinic

Care for and treat people with brain damage and cognitive issues

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Living is for Everyone (LIFE)

Government initiative – provides resources on suicide and self-harm prevention

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24 hour crisis support

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Beyond Blue

24hr phone support service

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Counselling services for adults and chidlren in relation to grief and bereavement. Training courses also available. Adult sessions incur a… Continue reading "Openminds"

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Paul Gertler

Clinical Neuropsychologist who also offers psychological services for BI – behaviour support, memory aides, social integration etc.

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Caulfield Hospital-Neuro Rehab Clinic

The Neuro Rehab Clinic treat and care for people after brain or spinal cord damage.

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Caulfield Hospital: ABI Rehab Clinic

The ABI rehab clinic cares for and supports patients who have suffered a brain injury.

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Provides an intensive outreach case management services for clients funded by the Transport Accident Commission and present with a range… Continue reading "ARBIAS"

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Care Connect

Private case management and care coordination for individuals.

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Sir Charles Gardner Hospital Mental Health Clinic

Authorised 30 bed Adult Mental Health Unit providing assessment and treatment for acute mental health conditions.

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Provides shopping, meal preparation, domestic tasks and transport assistance

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Paul Gertler

Clinical Neuropsychologist

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Dr Ross Goodheart – Neurologist

Providing neurological consultative services and nerve conduction and electrophysiological services at his rooms in South Perth.

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MRC- Migrant Resource Centre North West Region

Provides assistance and support to people with a disability, their carers and their families who are from a CALD background.

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Mental Health Association

Specialises in public policy, workforce development and training, and services that build individual, organisational and community capacity.

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Shyness and social anxiety treatment Australia

Trained clinical psychologists who have substantial experience in the treatment of shyness and social phobia.

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Black Dog Institute

Information on symptoms, treatment and prevention of depression and bipolar disorder.

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Beyond Blue

Support for individuals with depression and anxiety. 24hr phone line available. Chat online. Or Email option.

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Provides counselling, telephone, information and support, community information and health practioner education for those living with anxiety, stress, depression and… Continue reading "Reconnexion"

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Provides mental health support groups and services

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Victorian Transcultural Mental Health

Provides organisational development, community engagement, workforce education and support, research and evaluation.

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Sane Australia

Provide services for people affected by mental illness, their family and friends including a helpline, online forums, information and resources.

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Mind Australia

Supports people dealing with the day to day impacts of mental illness as well as their families, friends and carers.

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A not-for-profit mental health and disability support organization. Their services span mental health, disability and community care

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Access Brain Injury Services

Rehab and consultancy service specialising in brain injury. Clinical services,case management, vocational Rehab, periodic support/advice, group programs and counselling.

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Has both DES and Transition to Work (TTW). Covers region – Macarthur, Macleay, Manning, Murray Darling, Nepean, New England, North… Continue reading "OCTEC"

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Max Employment

Under Max Solutions – also includes indigenous employment program

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Dr Patricia Jungfer


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Melbourne Neuropsychiatry

Provides expertise in clinical, research, teaching and consulting work in psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and consultation-liaison psychiatry with patients with psychological and… Continue reading "Melbourne Neuropsychiatry"

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Not for profit organisation that provides specialist services for people with an acquired brain injury and high complex needs which… Continue reading "ARBIAS"

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Brain Injury Matters (BIM)

A self-advocacy and community education group for people with an acquired brain injury

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Gippsland Disability Advocacy

Provides advocacy services for people with a disability and their families

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Gorman House

Residential detoxification from alcohol and some other drugs. No methadone/benzos or cannabis. A non medicated detox-5 day program in a… Continue reading "Gorman House"

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Open Minds Fortitude Valley

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Narcotics Anonymous

Telephone support – call for more info on services

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Langton Centre

Non residential- medicated- outpatient detox by daily attendance at the centre. Appointment necessary. Harm minimisation philosophy. Counselling and group therapy,… Continue reading "Langton Centre"

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Family Drug Support

Telephone support

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D&A Unit – Calvary Mater Hospital

Telephone support

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Centre for Addiction Medicine

Provides a non-residential drug and alochol detox program. In area referral preferred- each case assessed individually.

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Shelter NSW

Does not provide the housing but is a source of information and sources

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Emergency relief centres, tenancy participation services, student accommodation

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Neami National

Several programs: Macarthur Accommodation and Assistance Program (MAAP), Way2Home, Wadamba Wilam Renew Shelter.

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Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service

To provide Illawarra Aboriginal and TSI people with high quality, appropriate, efficient and effective primary health care and related services

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Australian Health and Medical Research Council

NGO, member based, Indigenous-run. Twitter @AHMRC

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Wesley Mission Queensland

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CORAS (Colac Otway Region Advocacy Service Inc)

Provides advocacy services for people with a disability and their families

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Provides telephone advice, direct advocacy and individual and group education about housing rights.

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Ilana Hepner (Dr)

Clinical Neurospychologist – All types of referrals accepted including self referral

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Assert 4 All

Provides individual client directed advocacy to assist people with disabilities to represent their own rights and wishes.

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Youth Disability Advocacy Service

Provides an individual advocacy service to young people with a disability who are aged 12-25.

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VALID-Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability

Provides individual assistance for adults with an intellectual disability.

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Westmead Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit

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Southern Area Brain Injury Service

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South West Brain Injury Rehab Service

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AED Legal centre

Provides legal advocacy including legal representation for individuals who have been discriminated against in education or employment on account of… Continue reading "AED Legal centre"

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New England Brain Injury Service Program

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Children’s Hospital Westmead BIU


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Mid Western Brain Injury Rehab Program

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Wesley Private Hospital

Private Hospital. Medicated detox. 1-3 week in-patient rehab program. 6 week outpatient program.

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Liverpool Brain Injury Unit

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Kaleidescope Brain Injury Rehabilitation Team (Newcastle)


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Illawarra Brain Injury Service (IBIS)


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Hunter Brain Injury Service (HBIS)


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Dubbo Brain Injury Rehab Program


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St George Hospital D&A Unit

Provides a non-residential only medicated detox. Provides alcohol detox centre counselling- treats residents of St George area.

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Carers Australia

Short- term counselling and emotional and psychological support services for carers and their families in each state and territory.

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Victims of Crime

Information and referral in relation of being a victim of crime.

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Ostara Australia

NGO Employment service that works to provide employment services for job seekers with any mental, cultural or emotional challenges.

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Royal Ryde Rehab Weemala

Range from high support accommodation to drop in support.

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Anglicare Disability Case Management & Brokerage

0 – 65yo with different types of disabilities (physical, sensory, neurological – brain injury)

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Adssi Homeliving

Offer short term, periodic or longer term case management services.

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Access Brain Injury Services

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ABI Brain Injury Services

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Working with young people to move them out of aged care.

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Hunter Brain Injury Respite Options: Isabella Close

Respite. Must have a brain injury and live in the Hunter Region.

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Central Coast Disability Network

Assisted living programs with a specific ‘acquired brain injury independent living program’ if eligible.

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Gem Hill Cottage

Respite funded through ADHC and MAA. Established specifically for people with a brain injury.

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ABI Services

Specialised supported accommodation in Bathurst. 14 to 55 years of age

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SydWest Multicultural Services

Advocacy and other services such as brokerage and social support groups for a number of different CALD backgrounds.

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National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline

Telephone service for reporting cases of neglect and abuse of disabled members of the community (Australia wide)

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ME/CFS & FM Assn NSW Inc [Myalgic Encephalomyeltis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia Syndrome]

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Care Connect

Redfern Community Options- complex case management

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Supports children and young people with a disability or delay aged 0-24 yo – early intervention, specialised therapy, school support… Continue reading "Lifestart"

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Has both DES and Transition to Work (TTW). Covers region – Macarthur, Macleay, Manning, Murray Darling, Nepean, New England, North… Continue reading "OCTEC"

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Max Employment

Under Max Solutions – also includes indigenous employment program

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Australian Network on Disabilities

Collated info on organisations and corporate entities that offer open employment, mentorship and paid internships.

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Naremburn Family Referral Intake

Family Referral Services

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Hardwick Psychological Services

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Allowah Presbyterian Children’s Hospital

Private Hospital. 44 bed caring for children and young people

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Enable NSW

EnableNSW provides equipment, and in some cases attendant care, to assist eligible residents of NSW with a permanent or long-term… Continue reading "Enable NSW"

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Ability Classifieds

Website where users can advertise as well as buy and sell variety of specialised equipment, housing, jobs, events and vehicles.

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Living is for Everyone (LIFE)

Government initiative – provides resources on suicide and self-harm prevention

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24 hour crisis support

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Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)

DANA is the national representative body for almost 70 disability advocacy agencies across Australia.

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SANE Australia Helpline

Information about mental illness, treatments, where to go for support and help carers.

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Acquired Brain Injury Mobility Service

Provides assessment and retraining for maximum mobility and safety for people with some vision loss related to an ABI.

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Continence Foundation of Australia

Offers information, advice and referral to clinical continence services throughout Australia

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Victorian Aids and Equipment Program

Provides subsidised aids and equipment, home and vehicle modifications

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Provides behavioural intervention services for children and adults.

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Supports individuals and families to recover from perinatal anxiety and depression

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At Ease

Mental health and wellbeing resources for the serving and ex-serving community

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Relationships Australia

A provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. Also includes Aboriginal services and online counselling

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Good Therapy

Information and advice on how to find a therapist. Also provides a service directory to help locate a therapist.

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Suicide Prevention

Information on how to manage and get treatment for suicidal thoughts.

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Innovative website dedicated to providing access to trusted, relevant mental health care services, online programs and resources.

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My Dr

Provides information covering a wide variety of diseases and conditions, tests and treatments, health, fitness issues, medications, health support groups… Continue reading "My Dr"

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Virtual Clinic

Free internet based education and treatment programs for people with anxiety and depression.

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Yulu-Burri-Ba Wynnum Clinic

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An interactive web-based program that helps people identify problem emotions and develop skills for preventing and managing depression.

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The Bouverie Centre

Combines clinical family therapy, academic teaching, research, workforce development and community education.

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Victoria Aboriginal Health Service

Provides a comprehensive range of medical, dental and social services for the community.

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Vision Australia

Provides specialist employment service for people with vision impairment.

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UnitingCare NSW/ACT in partnership with SSI

In partnership with Settlement Services International (SSI)

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St Vincent de Paul Society with Settlement Services International (SSI)

In partnership with Settlement Services International (SSI)

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South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation

LGA: Goulburn, Mulwaree, Shoalhaven, Upper Lachlan Shire

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Launch Housing

Offers emergency shelter, crisis accommodation, specialist supports, and rough sleeping services

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Vic housing – Crisis & emergency accommodation

Help if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness or family violence.

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MAX Solutions

Provides assistance to find the right job, prepare resumes, develop skills and experience to apply for work.

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Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation- with Wyanga Aged care and Guriwal Aboriginal Corporation

Aboriginal Service Providers, covers areas: Botany Bay, Hurstville, Kogarah, Randwick, Rockdale, Sutherland Shire, Sydney, Waverley, Woollahra, Canada Bay, Leichhardt, Marrickville.

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Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation (Warrigal Employment)

LGA: Kiama, Shellharbour, Wollongong

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CAFS- Child & Family Services Ballarat Inc

Provides programs to support children, young people, individuals and families who are in need of assistance.

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Deniliquin Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC)

Covers multiple LGA within Western NSW, Far West and Murrumbidgee – see

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Barkuma Neighbourhood Centre

Aboriginal Service Providers: Gosford, Wyong, Cessnock, Dungog, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, Port Stephens, Singleton, Upper Hunter.

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Annecto- The People Network

Aboriginal Service Providers, covers areas: Bankstown, Liverpool, Fairfield, Ashfield, Burwood, Canterbury, Strathfield.

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Provides specialist services for people with an acquired brain injury and high complex needs which include alcohol and other drug… Continue reading "ARBIAS"

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Provides a peer-driven support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual people, their families, allies and communities

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QLife provides anonymous LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about their sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings… Continue reading "QLife"

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Provides information, support and advice for people living with depression.

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Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria

Provide support, information and resources to individuals affected by anxiety, depression and related issues

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Anxiety Recovery Centre (ARC)

Provide support, recovery and educational services to people and families living with anxiety disorders.

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Three people standing in front of presentation screen

Brain Injury Network event

Our recent Synapse Brain Injury Network event featured speakers discussing their professional experience with working within the NDIS system, and getting the best outcome for their clients.

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Young People in Residential Aged Care

Reducing the number of Younger Australians in Residential Aged Care

The Australian Government’s decision to establish a task force to end the practice of placing young people with disability in aged care is an important step.

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Synapse mentioned in Disability Royal Commissions Final Report

Synapse mentioned in Disability Royal Commissions Final Report

In September, the Disability Royal Commission published their Final Report with mention of Synapse's advocacy work and projects.

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NAIDOC Week 2023

NAIDOC Week 2023

This NAIDOC week we celebrate our Synapse Elders. Our Elders guide and ensure we stay connected to community and culture.

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Ageing focus area

Aged Care Royal Commission Final Report Recommendations Welcomed By Disability Advocacy Organisation

The key recommendations relating to younger people with disability, outlined in the newly released final report of the Aged Care Royal Commission, have been warmly welcomed by the Summer Foundation, Youngcare and Synapse. 

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Media release: Response to the Disability Royal Commissions Final Report

Media release: Response to the Disability Royal Commissions Final Report

Synapse Australia claims issues outlined in the Disability Royal Commissions Final Report are well known to have existed in our systems and only make up part of the problem.

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How to combat fatigue

How to combat fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of brain injury. When you live with a brain injury, the tiredness you feel is often cognitive fatigue. In this article, we’ll discuss what cognitive fatigue is and how you can manage and combat it in everyday life while living with a brain injury.

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couple hugging at a lake

Maintaining Relationships

Everyone wants to be loved, it's a fundamental human need. We all need people to talk to and laugh with, spend time with, share ideas, worries and joys. But after brain injury our relationships with partners, family and friends can often change quite significantly.

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Man in garden area

Community Living Initiative Mentor

Jamen started working at the Community Living Initiative in Cairns two-months before it opened to tenants in 2017. His role is to mentor the team working at the Community Living Initiative and act as a conduit between the team and tenants.

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Synapse strongly rejects compulsory NDIS Independent Assessments

Synapse strongly rejects compulsory NDIS Independent Assessments

The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Hon Stuart Robert, recently announced the introduction of compulsory Independent Assessments for people with disability to be able to access the NDIS, and as part of the plan review process. Synapse opposes this, and here’s why.

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2022-23 Federal Budget

How could the 2022/23 Budget affect the brain injury community?

Synapse has broken down the key elements in this year’s budget that are relevant to those living with brain injury and their carers below to help our community understand how this budget affects them.

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Media Release: Synapse testify Guddi Way Screen success to the Disability Royal Commission

Brain injury is often called the ‘hidden’ disability due to its lack of physical evidence of injury, making it difficult to screen for and assess in Australian prisoners. Yet, having a brain injury in the criminal justice system makes an instrumental difference on the way prisoners are assessed and treated in and out of a prison.

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Aphasia Awareness Month 

Aphasia Awareness Month 

In early 2022 action star Bruce Willis publicly announced that he had aphasia, the condition was thrown into the public eye as everyone tried to work out what was happening to one of Hollywood’s biggest stars of all time. 

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Artwork by Aunty Lauraine Barlow

Assessing the Disability Needs of Indigenous Prisoners

Synapse is sub-contracted to Griffith University to run the Assessing the Disability Needs of Indigenous Prisoners (ADNIP) project, which is funded by the Department of Social Services. This is a national project examining the methods and processes for the identification of disability and provision of support for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander prisoners and formerly incarcerated people.

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Self-care tips from our community: National Carer’s Week 2021

Self-care tips from our community: National Carer’s Week 2021

National Carer's Week is upon us! Here are some top tips from our community for self-care.

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Sonya and Damien

Brain Injury Chats – Communicating the ‘Invisible Disability’

Synapse Community Partnerships Manager Sonya Green and our Family Liaison Officer Damien Mowle discuss the importance of communicating your brain injury to others.

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Sarah Rasborsek

Returning to the Fray

Reintegrating into society after chronic illness is a challenge that Sarah faced after years of living with a brain injury and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME).

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Two people sharing a cup of tea

MEDIA RELEASE: NDIA plans ‘doubling down’ on exclusion for marginalised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Plans to introduce independent assessments to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will amount to a ‘doubling down’ on exclusion for some of Australia’s most marginalised peoples.

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Cairns Community Housing Initiative

New initiatives to stop younger people going into aged care by 2022

Organisations supporting young people living in nursing homes have welcomed the Morrison Government’s commitment to work to the targets endorsed by the Aged Care Royal Commission.

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mother and daughter cooking

Understanding Behaviour Changes after Brain Injury

Behaviour changes are part of brain injury for most people, but it’s an aspect that often isn’t fully apparent until you return home and life outside of the hospital routines begins.

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Paint handprint with word Hope underneath

Synapses believes Black Lives Matter

We are committed to the work we do together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

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Beth Armstring & Kerri Colegate

Communication, brain injury and the experiences of Indigenous Australians

In this special interview Professor Beth Armstrong and Kerri Colegate discuss their work around communication difficulties after brain injury and stroke, with a particular focus on the experiences of Indigenous Australians.  

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University of Sydney study to explore the impact of stroke on sexuality

University of Sydney study to explore the impact of stroke on sexuality

Sydney University is conducting a research study about the experiences of sexuality post stroke to assist with the ongoing development of sexual rehabilitation for future stroke survivors within the LGBTQI+ community.

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Connecting over a cuppa

Making Connections over a Cuppa

We know that for many living with brain injury, it can be difficult to find and connect with others who have similar experiences. Our online peer group chats have become an important and meaningful way for our communities to connect over a cuppa.

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Narelle & Todd

Stories from our Community

This year most of the world is experiencing what it is to be socially isolated, which is something that people with brain injury often experience. We asked the members of our Reconnections support groups to share with us their experiences with social isolation and what they did about it.

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Developing Culturally Informed Employment Resources in Western Australia

Developing Culturally Informed Employment Resources in Western Australia

Aboriginal people can sometimes experience challenges when connecting with and engaging services. These challenges often occur when services are developed without connection to local culture and community.  

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Nadine Holliday

Meet Nadine Holliday – Creating opportunities to connect through Synapse Peer

We recognise how important it is for people impacted by brain injury to connect with others who understand. Our Peer program is making this a reality for people across a range of activities, in-person and online

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31 Aug

Synapse Community Drop-in Session Caboolture – August

Drop-in and speak to members of the Synapse Information team in a safe and friendly environment in Caboolture.

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How screening for brain injury can change corrections outcomes

How screening for brain injury can change corrections outcomes

The issue of brain injury while incarcerated is complex and disproportionately affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners. Brain injury currently receives relatively little recognition in the criminal justice system.

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The Afternoon Shift – Tim Cudmore

The Afternoon Shift – Tim Cudmore

If you missed Tim Cudmore’s Afternoon Shift talk on Brain Injury’s invisible disabilities on November 3rd, the recording is now available.

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Two woman holding up flowers

Women’s Health Week: Addressing domestic violence and its impact on brain injury in women

As we celebrate Women’s Health Week 2024, it’s vital to shine a light on a critical issue that often remains hidden: domestic violence and its concerning link to brain injury in women.

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synapse executive team

Synapse Announced as Finalists for HESTA Excellence Awards

The HESTA Excellence Awards recognise exceptional achievements in a range of settings across aged care, allied health, community services and disability services. Synapse has been nominated for Outstanding Organisation in Disability Services, a testament to the hard work of our committed staff.

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What is ABI the Facts?

What is ABI the Facts?

ABI The Facts is a comprehensive brain injury resource for professionals, individuals and families. It provides simple explanations of complex medical terms and delivers guidance for every stage of the brain injury journey.

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Law Courts

Opinion: Ignorant change by the Queensland Government sees justice system again fail kids

The Queensland Government’s response to be tough on crime comes with a harsher cost to the lives of many children across the state, particularly those who have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), brain injuries, or other cognitive impairment.

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drawing from experiences

Drawing from experiences – visual art and brain injury

We know art offers the chance to explore ideas and creative concepts. For people living with brain injury, it also provides an incredible opportunity to process and express their experiences – from the early stages through to the challenges and successes of recovery and day-to-day life.

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Person using communication device

Synapse to develop an online brain injury information hub

After recently being awarded an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Synapse is working with the brain injury and disability community across Australia to deliver a unique, comprehensive brain injury Information Hub.

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jennifer cullen dsc podcast

Synapse CEO Jennifer Cullen on the DSC ‘Disability Done Different’ Podcast

This month Jennifer sat down with the DSC team to yarn about being a proud Aboriginal woman and CEO of Synapse and how language, communication and co-design are vital to ensuring the inclusion of everyone in the disability sector.

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joe miller

Stroke Foundation helping first nations communities thrive after stroke

The Stroke Foundation has launched a new resource specially designed to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live well after stroke.

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woman taking a phone call

Expanding our Services Nationally

2020 is shaping up to be a big year for Synapse as we roll out the three-year $1.8 million Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) NDIS grant to extend our brain injury information and referral service nationally.

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Understanding brain injury from a distance

Understanding brain injury from a distance

Brain injury has a profound and underestimated impact on society. It’s important that everyone plays their part and does what they can to understand brain injury and support people in meaningful and impactful ways.

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Youth in detention

Increases in youth detention will see discrimination continue against those with a brain injury

Synapse believes building more youth detention centres will see young people impacted by brain injuries continue to be discriminated against.

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Removing barriers to create acceptance

Removing barriers to create acceptance

International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) was recognised 3rd Dec. In this article, we explore what you can do to create and influence positive change in Australia.

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Migraines and Brain Injury

Migraines and Brain Injury

Migraines and headaches are extremely common in people who have experienced a brain injury, with 30 – 90% of people reporting symptoms.

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14 Jun

Synapse Reconnections Perth – June

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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8 Mar

Synapse Perth Reconnections – March

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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Brain Drain Co. Market Day shows local support for Synapse

Brain Drain Co. Market Day shows local support for Synapse

Brain Drain Co. hosted their inaugural Market Day in support of Synapse on December 21st at Crowbar in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley. The afternoon event saw local creators and musicians come together to raise awareness of the work Synapse does to support families impacted by brain injury.

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10 May

Synapse Perth Reconnections – May

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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Returning to work after a brain injury

Returning to work after a brain injury

With the right support and resources, you can successfully transition back into the workforce after a brain injury.

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How to navigate changing relationships

How to navigate changing relationships

Relationships are so important as they make us feel supported, connected and loved. In this article we’ll talk about how a brain injury may impact the different relationships in someone’s life.

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Synapse Hesta Award

Synapse wins HESTA Excellence Award for Outstanding Organisation in Disability Services

Synapse wins 2020 HESTA Excellence Award for Outstanding Organisation in Disability Services

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danny li returning to work

Danny Li – Returning to work after a brain injury

Danny speaks about his journey back to work after a brain injury and offers his tips on navigating the recruitment process.

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June - July

Young Generations group WA – June

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 18 to 30 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury and maybe make some friends at the same time.

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11 Jul

Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – July

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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28 Jul

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – July

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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8 Aug

Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – August

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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22 - 24 October

Brain Injury Network – Southeast QLD

Join us for an interactive, hands-on event and build new connections! We will share some of the ways we all support people living with brain injury in their transition from hospital to home, and improve access to services through the strengthening of support networks. 

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Three people in academic dress

Synapse CEO, Jennifer Cullen, Receives Degree of Doctor of the University

Synapse—Australia’s Brain Injury Organisation CEO, Jennifer Cullen, has been awarded an honorary degree of the Doctor of the University from Griffith University.

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Brain injury and employment barriers

Brain injury and employment barriers

Brain injury is an invisible or hidden disability, so many of the impacts aren’t visible and often rely on the person disclosing this information when applying for, starting, or during their employment.

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cook along at home

Cook-along-at-home with Vikki Moursellas

For Brain Injury Awareness Week Vikki Moursellas guided our Reconnections community through cooking a delightful meal of lamb kefethes with pita bread and tzatziki.

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12 Dec

Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – December

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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27 Mar

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – March

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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13 Feb

 Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – February

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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12 Mar

 Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – March

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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9 Apr

 Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – April

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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14 May

 Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – May

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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23 Feb

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – February

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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28 Mar

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – March

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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24 Apr

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – April

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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31 May

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – May

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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28 Jun

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – June

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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31 Jan

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – January

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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28 Feb

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – February

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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26 Jun

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – June

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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15 Sep

Synapse Perth Reconnections – September

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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30 Aug

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – August

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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10 Nov

Synapse Perth Reconnections – November

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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27 Sep

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – September

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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13 Oct

Synapse Perth Reconnections – October

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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25 Oct

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – October

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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29 Nov

Synapse Goulburn Reconnections – November

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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Expanding Our Family Liaison Service

Synapse Family Liaison Officers provide practical support and information to family members and carers of people who have brain injury.    

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14 Feb

Synapse Reconnections Younger Generation WA – February

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 year old’s. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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Brain Injury Awareness Week 2021

MEDIA RELEASE: Brain Injury Awareness Week 16-22 August 2021

Next week is Brain Injury Awareness Week and this year’s theme is Every Brain Injury is Different. This pivotal advocacy week focuses on creating awareness in the community about the 700,000-plus Australians impacted by brain injury and their daily struggle to live in a world where their “disability” is often invisible.

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14 Mar

Synapse Reconnections Younger Generation WA – March

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 year old’s. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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July - September

Synapse Reconnections | Perth, WA | July to Sept

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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Media release: Synapse awarded Court Link program with an emphasis on lived experience

Media release: Synapse awarded Court Link program with an emphasis on lived experience

Synapse begins delivering the pilot brokerage model, Court Link Community Support Service (CLCS), the Queensland Government brokerage program to support a proportion of individuals accessing Court Link.

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25 Aug

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – August

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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Man using computer

Launch of New Online Brain Injury Hub to Guide People Through Recovery

Synapse - Australia’s Brain Injury Organisation, has launched a new website which includes a comprehensive brain injury information hub.

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guys hanging out at a cafe

Everyday Isolation After a Brain Injury – What Does It Look Like?

Picture this: You’re stuck at home. Your normal routine is gone, and there’s limits on what you can do and you can’t do. You’ve watched more TV recently than you ever have before in your life. Your life usually has structure – work, study, hobbies, going out with friends, and without that, you’re feeling bored and frustrated. When will this end?

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July - September

Synapse Reconnections | Perth, WA | Young Generations | July to Sept

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 18 to 30 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury and maybe make some friends at the same time.

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Synapse awarded a $1.8 million NDIS grant to extend information services nationally.

In late 2019 Synapse was awarded a three-year, $1.8 million Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to deliver a National Information Program focused on expanding brain injury information services over the next three years.

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27 Oct

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – October

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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24 Nov

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – November

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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14 Nov

Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – November

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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September - November

Synapse Reconnections | Goulburn, NSW | October and November

Our Goulburn peer group is a regular meet up for people with brain injury and their support network to connect face-to-face.

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12 Sep

Synapse Younger Generation Reconnections NSW – September

A social group for anyone impacted by brain injury aged 16 to 35 years old. Come and connect with others living with brain injury.

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16 Feb

Synapse Perth Reconnections – February

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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29 Sep

Synapse Central Coast Reconnections – September

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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carers approach to work

Working While Caring

While returning to work may not be possible or desired for all carers, we wanted to hear the experiences of those in our community who have returned to work and the things they had to consider along the way to balance their time and responsibilities.

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September - October

Synapse Reconnections | Central Coast, NSW | October

A regular meet up on the Central Coast for people with brain injury and their support network to come and connect with other individuals.

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12 Apr

Synapse Perth Reconnections – April

Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury. Carers, families, and partners are also welcome.

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Brain Injury Network NSW

Brain Injury Network NSW event connects services across the state

This week we held our Brain Injury Network event in New South Wales, connecting providers and specialists in our combined pursuit to support people impacted by brain injury.

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3 Apr

Synapse Reconnections Mandarin – April

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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5 Mar

Synapse’s Your Brain Matters: Ageing Support Drop-in – Logan North

Our 'Your Brain Matters' community drop-in provides Seniors impacted by brain injury the opportunity to chat and receive support!

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12 Mar

Synapse’s Your Brain Matters: Ageing Support Drop-in – Beenleigh

Our 'Your Brain Matters' community drop-in provides seniors impacted by brain injury the opportunity to chat and receive support!

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19 Mar

Synapse’s Your Brain Matters: Ageing Support Drop-in – Logan Central

Our 'Your Brain Matters' community drop-in provides Seniors impacted by brain injury the opportunity to chat and receive support!

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Domestic violence and brain injury 

Domestic violence and brain injury 

The raw picture of domestic violence in Australia is not a pretty one, with one report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare revealing 1 in 6 women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15 – roughly 1.6 million women. 

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September - December

Synapse Reconnections | Northern Beaches, NSW | October to December

A regular meet up in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for people with a brain injury and their support network.

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Understanding the cycle of vulnerability

Understanding the cycle of vulnerability

Brain injury can impact someone at any stage of life and no two brain injuries are ever the same. Without the right support, knowledge and opportunities at the key milestones in life, people living with a brain injury can fall into the cycle of vulnerability.

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The benefits of brain injury training

The benefits of brain injury training

Synapse helps health professionals stay up to date with the latest research and developments through brain injury training.

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6 Mar

Synapse Reconnections Mandarin – March

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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3 Jul

Synapse Reconnections | Riverwood, NSW | Mandarin Group | July to Oct | CANCELLED

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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7 Feb

Synapse Reconnections Mandarin – February

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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People playing lawn bowls

Brain Injury Awareness Week highlights invisible disabilities

Brain Injury Awareness Week runs from 19-25 August and heralds an opportunity to raise awareness for the 700,000 Australians who live with a brain injury.

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Information and Referral

Synapse Information & Referral – Helping you navigate brain injury

When brain injury impacts your life or the life of someone you care for, there can be a lot of complex circumstances and systems to navigate. Between adjusting to life with a brain injury and finding suitable support, knowing where to start or who to turn to can be difficult.

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Parenting and brain injury with Jayden

Parenting and brain injury with Jayden

Our BrainBank Panelist Jayden is a proud dad of two beautiful girls. He sat down with our team to talk about how he worked to be an active and engaged parent and dad while living with a brain injury.

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15 Sep

Synapse Reconnections Sunshine Coast Over 65s – September

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury. 

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21 Jul

Synapse Reconnections Sunshine Coast Over 65s – July

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury. 

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BIAW 2023 wrap-up

BIAW 2023 wrap-up

We’re so happy to have championed another Brain Injury Awareness Week to raise awareness of brain injury and its impact across Australia. Thank you to each person and company who came along side Synapse to share and highlight the week.  

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Dance with Ability

Reconnections – Dance with Ability

A few weeks back members of the Reconnections community met online to participate in ‘Dance with Ability’. This therapy-based dance program was great fun for everyone and showed how dance can build self-confidence and general health. You can re-watch the session and get moving to some great tunes with Shane and Keri.

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6 Sep

Synapse Reconnections Mandarin – September

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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Active Ageing

Active Ageing

The process of ageing is a normal part of life, but it can impact people living with a brain injury differently. Older individuals with a brain injury can often experience poor memory and can have periodic forgetfulness.

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18 Aug

Synapse Reconnections Sunshine Coast Over 65s – August

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury. 

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13 Jun

Synapse Northern Beaches Reconnections – June

A regular meet up in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for people with a brain injury and their support network.

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2 Aug

Synapse Reconnections Mandarin – August

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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10 May

Synapse Northern Beaches Reconnections – May

A regular meet up in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for people with a brain injury and their support network.

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7 Mar

Synapse Reconnections Maroochydore Seniors – March

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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Synapse wins grant to nationalise Guddi Way court program

Synapse wins grant to nationalise Guddi Way court program

Synapse has been awarded the Just Future grant, which aims to better understand the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with possible cognitive impairment to assist in informing sentencing and bail requirements.

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1 Feb

Synapse Reconnections Maroochydore Seniors – February

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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13 Dec

Synapse Perth Barefoot Bowls – December

A special Barefoot Bowls event! Come, join us and connect with others living with a brain injury.

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4 Apr

Synapse Reconnections Maroochydore Seniors – April

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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2 May

Synapse Reconnections Maroochydore Seniors – May

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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6 Jun

Synapse Reconnections Maroochydore Seniors – June

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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23 Feb

Synapse Reconnections Noosa Seniors – February

Come and meet up in Noosa and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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22 Mar

Synapse Reconnections Noosa Seniors – March

Come and meet up in Noosa and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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What support are people looking for

What support are people looking for

As individuals navigate the complex landscape that is recovering from a brain injury, they often find themselves in need of specific information and services to better understand and manage the cognitive and physical impacts.

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NDIS Support Coordination

Get the Most from Changes to NDIS Support Coordination

The NDIA has decided to indefinitely extend the use of core funding to access Support Coordination, making it easier to get the most from your NDIS plan.

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12 Apr

Synapse Northern Beaches Reconnections – April

A regular meet up in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for people with a brain injury and their support network.

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7 Dec

Synapse Reconnections Sunshine Coast Over 65s – December

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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8 Mar

Synapse Northern Beaches Reconnections – March

A regular meet up in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for people with a brain injury and their support network.

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9 Feb

Synapse Northern Beaches Reconnections – February

A regular meet up in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for people with a brain injury and their support network.

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29 Nov

WA Brain Injury Justice Forum

Our WA Brain Injury Justice Forum will bring together service providers from across the WA justice system.

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19 - 20 July

EVENT CANCELLED: People’s Experiences of the NDIS exhibition

An immersive exhibition bringing together participants experiences with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) through art.

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Jayden & Milena’s love story

Jayden & Milena’s love story

Jayden was in a motorcycle accident in 2017, which saw him suffer a brain injury. In 2019, two years after his injury, Jayden met his now wife Milena.

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5 Jul

Synapse Reconnections Mandarin – July

This Reconnections group is for Mandarin speaking people living with brain injury, their family members and carers.

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2 Nov

Synapse Reconnections Sunshine Coast Over 65s – November

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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5 Oct

Synapse Reconnections Sunshine Coast Over 65s – October

Come and meet up on the Sunshine Coast and connect with other people who're over 65 and living with a brain injury.

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julie clark yoga and meditation

Chair Yoga and Meditation

We hosted a free online Chair Yoga class with our guests Julie Clark and Claire Cunneen (All Ability Yoga). Yoga is for every BODY. Join in for this 30 minute yoga and 15 minute meditation for all abilities. 

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